Rotosaurus Adventure

Play the game here!

This casual puzzle game was developed by a friend of mine. I contributed the soundtrack to it.


I created eight soundtracks, one main theme and a track for each of the seven sub-worlds the game features. I decided to use the same instrumentation and bpm for all songs to establish an overarching concept.
In Rotosaurus Adventure you navigate a dinosaur through tiny labyrinths that are reminiscent of archaeological excavation sites as dinosaurs are an extinct species. This is why I decided to mainly use xylophones for the soundtracks, as those are associated with fossils and bones since Saint-Saëns’s compositions. Then I put a synthesizer, as that would fit the pixel art style of the game. Lastly there is a pan flute that serves to lighten the mood of the soundtracks and makes the dinosaur’s journey through the mazes sound easygoing. At the same time the pan flute sounds distant, which emphasizes how isolated the dinosaur is, as it does not get company throughout the game very often.
The seven sub-worlds in Rotosaurus Adventure resemble different popular games or game genres, like shooters or Tetris for example. I tried to capture the vibe of each world only through melodies, harmonies and rhythm, as the pace and instrumentation of the soundtracks were fixed. Altering the synergy between the different instruments was a great approach and led me to always find new combinations to create distinct atmospheres, from chipper to melancholic.

Soundtrack will follow soon!

© 2024 Silja Borchers