This impact game was commissioned by the German Resuscitation Council to introduce children to the importance of resuscitation. In a group of seven students we worked on teaching being courageous and taking action to primary-school pupils.
Here is how I contributed to it:

Story & Dialogues

I joined the project after the mini games the game consists of were already designed and implemented and also artistic choices were made. The different mini games address the different steps of dealing with an unconscious person. My job was to design a tutorial that would connect the single mini games with each other to show children the right order and the importance of each step.
I did so by creating a short story about the hitherto nameless protagonist, Susie, a young girl attending “super hero school”. Her teacher, a futuristic robot that is also a manikin for medical training, guides her through the necessary procedure and practices different scenarios with her. Details are explained through dialogue while jokes prevent the game from being too serious and sober for children.


The game’s centrepiece is its soundtrack that was created with the perfect bpm to easily do resuscitation to the beat. As the game was created in German language, the composer was not speaking German fluently though, the soundtrack was originally planned to be instrumental only. I joined this project to offer assistance with composing the song and started with creating a simple, child-friendly melody along with lyrics explaining resuscitation further. After receiving some feedback I shortened and refined the lyrics and adjusted their metrics to the composer’s melody wishes to finally come up with a well-rounded version of the song.

Listen to the song (Drücklied) here!

Voice Acting

Besides singing “Drücklied”, I also voice acted for the two characters, Susie and her teacher CardioBot. For Susie I practised my best little girl’s voice, while the robotic voice I gave CardioBot was closer to my normal voice. Due to post-production it does not sound human anymore.

© 2024 Silja Borchers