Hotel Tome ws

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This cosy point-and-click adventure was developed in a group of five during our studies. Here is how I contributed to it:


After we decided as a team we wanted to do a point-and-click adventure with an amnesiac protagonist in a hotel setting, my task was to come up with the detailed story. I invented quirky characters and gave the protagonist the habit of breaking the 4th wall occasionally.


Only the dialogues bring the characters to life in the first place. I had a lot of fun creating humorous dialogues as well as let the protagonist’s personality shimmer through in monologues that would give players a hint of her true identity.


The cute and fancy art style was just half the battle of creating the cosy atmosphere of the game. I composed a jazzy soundtrack consisting of four tracks: one for each room to enhance its specific vibe and a main theme for the main menu as well as for the grand finale of the game.

Listen to the Soundtrack here!


I recorded most sound effects from scratch. As the game’s aesthetic is paper-themed, for sound effects regarding the UI I recorded rustling, crumpling and ripping paper. But also diegetic sounds like squeaking doors, running washing machines and a toilet flushing were recorded by me. Only specific sounds like electric sparks or fire were taken from external sources and mixed to serve their purpose.
Additionally I voice acted for all female characters in the game, most importantly the protagonist. Besides this role there is an actress in the TV, two hotel employees on the phone and a police woman.

© 2024 Silja Borchers